Quench-Gone Aqueous (QGA™)

Using a single analysis, Quench-Gone Aqueous (QGA) provides a rapid and interference-free determination of total microbiological concentration in any filterable water sample with a wide detection range. Use this test kit to perform source-to-tap surveys and characterize complete systems, identify areas of concern, and validate corrective action – all in the same shift!
FeaturesTechnical DataApplications
  • ASTM D4012 compliant.
  • Measure only living biomass via Cellular ATP.
  • Results available in < 5 minutes.
  • Low Detection Limit of nominally 0.1pg/mL (100 Microbial Equivalents per mL), although simple test modifications can allow even greater sensitivity.
  • All interferences such as turbidity, salinity, color, residual chemical, and other characteristics inherent to sample matrices are mitigated.
  • All materials are stable for two years at room temperature.*
Method 2nd Generation ATP
What is detected? Total Microorganisms
Interferences in detecting total living biomass None
How long to get results? Minutes
Can give results onsite? Yes
What types of samples can be tested? Fluids & Solids
How much skill is required? Low
What is the capital cost? Low
What is the cost per test? Moderate
What is its best use? Total microbiological concentration

 Fresh & Salt Water

 Drinking Water

 Process Water

Sanitary Water

 Cooling Water

 Treated Effluent

 High-Purity Water

 Reclaimed Water